Friday, October 9, 2009

Bug..... Bug.... BUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  I used to think roaches were the most annoying insects on earth. Boy was i wrong. Crickets and grasshoppers beat them hands down. My room keeps on getting infested with these pests.   The other morning, i woke up with a cricket on my left arm. I've heard of parrots on your arm but crickets? I screamed and jumped about like a mad person for about 5 minutes. The amazing thing is that my roommate remained asleep all through this. I could no longer sleep on my bed and only got the courage, the next morning, to finish a can of insecticide underneath my bed. The second night, i woke up with a cricket on my right arm. "Oh, now we interchanging?" sigh. There goes another can of insecticide. I hate crickets.

           So i am complaining to my roommate about how these insects are BUGGING me. I ask her why she's always asleep. She does not reply. That night, a grasshopper and a cricket were playing tag beside my bed. While i was jumping about and screaming like i do best, my roommate jumps up and swats both of them in one take. WOW. Who needs insecticide when you have my roommate. HE he he he


Myne said...

How come the insecticides did not affect the bugs? And yeah just swat them. Your room mate is a gee. Hehehhehe..

nonny said...

Those bugs have passed the level of insecticide. Yup, she's a gee

Enoch said...

Spiritual attack!

They are trying to set you up from your village.

Or perhaps, its Enoch sending them to collect his debt.

His letter.

nonny said...

that your letter is proving harder than i thought. You were right oh, secondary school love letters are very hard.

Azazel said...

Lol @ ur roommie nonny..
She's definitely a G.

Chiamaka said...

in addition to cockroaches, crickets, there are rats too which are really annoying pests. thank God you have a living pesticide