Saturday, October 24, 2009

Public speaking for the troubled mind

           I am what i like to call a stage manager. I set up the stage so the actors get their 15 minutes of fame. But i'm not in film school, I'm a telecommunications major. So, the other day, i wrote a paper on a topic i won't bore you with. I was supposed to write this with my 'group members' but they did not do their part. I was ok with doing the whole project because we struck a deal; i write the paper, someone else presents. This is what i do. However, the day of the presentation came close and none of my group members could read up in time to present. Final vote, i had to present the paper.

          I hate public speaking. Everyone is looking at you and i cannot stand the sweaty palms. Anyway, i battle with the shaky voice and almost wet my pants but finally present my paper to my dean and four other students. I almost die from the encounter but he likes it. He likes it so much that i'm presenting it at a national conference, to over 400 people. Panic attack anyone?


Azazel said...

Lol i feel u nonny, but i like public speaking o..
I am even tryin to improve on it.

Chiamaka said...

i really hate public speaking. but after the first few sentences,i usually start enjoying the whole thing, that doesn't mean i don't still hate it. i hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it

Enoch said...

I use the "practice naked in front of your mirror" technique. It works. That is until the speaking is about to start.

I get the shaky voice & loss of breathing rhythm.

Once the panic reaches critical mass, I feel I'm God. It's euphoric like I can say "let there be light" and spawn a sun.

Or let my love letter appear and it does.

Myne said...

I love public speaking and I'm quite good at it. But I hate performing, I feel like I'm making a fool of myself. Nice write-up

Mama G said...

I hear ya! I tell my kids to imagine everyone in their underwear whenever they have to perform in front of a group. I am not sure if it works for them, it never did for me! I too hate public speaking. But it sounds like this worked out well for you.....are you ready to do it again in front of 400 people?! Yikes! You will do great. :-) Nice post.

starling said...

Hi, I love public speaking too

Anonymous said...

Give us a sign so that we know you still breathe.

mizuki said...

Ooh I hate public speaking too!! I'm very shy so it really makes me nervous to speak in front of a crowd! >< I sometimes forget what to say and I feel so embarrassed ><

During my college years (last year) I always do powerpoint presentations for our report and they'll be the one to talk in front of the class. harhar. That's my contribution always! :)) sometimes I'm the one who always makes/designs our magazine and they'll be the one to type and submit their parts to me. heehee :)