Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Easter Basket of Eggs

Ah, the Easter season. For some of us, it was a holiday. A chance to go home and catch up on lost time with the family. I spent mine with my mum. Hilarious choice. My mum is an acquired taste. You have to understand her to understand her. Sometimes we don't. However, we understand. Are you with me so far?

She picked me from the airport and spent the one hour drive home talking to me about school and asking me about my boyfriend. Harmless huh? that's what i thought until we got to a wedding the next day and she was analyzing if i could get married to him.

My mum has an MSc in law. Good for her. Bad for us. Everything we say, can and will probably be used against us in the nearest future. Plus she never accepts when she is wrong. Arguing with her is like trying to tell a raging bull to stop; you will get run down.

Anyways, back home, im enjoying the food. My mum thinks im skinny so i have been asked to eat a lot. I obey this without any hesitation. I'm stuffing on chicken and turkey like it was thanksgiving.
Then she starts complaining that im at home too much. She wants me to go out. A friend of mine is having a house party. My mum says 'NO' I go out too much. Then she tells me i eat too much.

I'm counting down the hours until i leave. One hour to my departure time, we are having an argument over where the departure terminal is located. I win this, but she finds a way to turn it around.

I hug her and wave goodbye as i get checked-in. 'I'm going to miss my mum' i think as i compose a text to my dad. I'm definitely spending my next holiday with him.


sosexy said...

Welcome to my world.But this time, Its both.And both are lawyers as I am, Imagine my life?

Myne said...

Lawyers as mums, crazy eh? LOL...why am I not surprised? Your mum sounds cute though, mums are the best.

@Sosexy, three lawyers in the same house? plenty drama..LOL..

Anonymous said...

Hi shall we do banner exchange?
