Sunday, July 13, 2008

To horoscope or not to. That is the question.

I woke up today feeling particularly cheerful. Waking up very early usually makes me grumpy but today it was just fine. The walk to work did not seem as gloomy and never ending as it usually did. Things were going so fine, i decided the best end to all this would be to tuck myself into bed, snuggle my teddy and doze off for the rest of the day. I got back home and took a look at my horoscope; it contradicted me. apparently, today would be a lovely day to go out and flaunt around town. Heck, it even said love was in the air for me. Hmm..........what to do.......My horoscope said it would favor me to go out. And these things are amazingly accurate sometimes. I weighed my options for minutes. With a low sigh, i climbed into bed. Flaunt around town my foot. I was making my own destiny; sleep. If love was in the air, it would wait until i was through dozing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(laughs) no sleep for you sexy. get out of bed and get ready. I wanna show you what i promised. the weather is beautiful 2day, ur horoscope may hav been right afterall. il call in a bit