Saturday, July 12, 2008

very harmful friendly discussions

A close friend of mine posted a note about why you just had to love men. This would seem like a very harmless occurrence. Wrong! it sparked off a heated debate or shall i say discussion. The funny thing about this debate, it soon involved the guys thrashing the girls. How did we even get there. There's a saying: men are from Mars and women are from Venus. The truth is: men and women are from Earth; you cannot live with them, you cannot live without them. Or can we?lol.


Miss Debbie said... guessing u were talking bout my note.I agree that men and women cant live with or without each other.but you know some say u cant define wat peace is if der is no chaos so mayb in dat same way men and women jus cant appreciate how much they love each other without expressing wat they also hate about each other.
No love lost.

snowfl@kes said...

i think i do agree with that note!! i believe that life is a 50-50 thing!! nothing is certainly not perfect!!

Ty said...

Ok...all the hate towards men or women as the case may be...give me cause for concern...i dont knw abt u but i can make do with a woman not without a woman..Nonso hw about u, do u have a story to tell of being with a